carlinda boom
Traumatic situations can have significant and long-term impact on our body and mind. Be it in individuals or societies, moments of trauma lead to the questioning of deep-ingrained values and eventually to deconstructing and denying them (Schaub, 2019). Trauma is inter-generational, meaning that even three generations later it can still affect the family/community members and manifest itself as for example: anxiety disorders or eating disorders.Not only victims of war can develop PTSD. In fact, most of the cases of PTSD nowadays are caused by traumatic experience of domnestic abuse, natural catastropes,wintessing violence, losing a loved one, divorce, legal battles or financial troubles (Onderko, n.d.)

Trauma is stored in our bodies and can show up as pain, extreme emotions and distorted thoughts. Health issues that may stem from trauma are for example head aches, insomnia, anorexia, pelvic pain and auto-immune disorders (Sheppard, 2019). With our bodies carying trauma we still have to compete, produce and prove to be worthy as part of capitalism. This leads to a daily struggle.

This 3D-model is our visualization of trauma in Martyna's and Carlinda's bodies. We invite others to make their own vizualization using colors, forms, text and so on.

To help you, we made a set of questions, sets of body sensations, sets of thoughts which can be used to determine where and how your trauma shows up.
click here for RESEARCH
sensations that you may feel in your body
thoughts that you may have
questions to ask yourself

Adi Liraz, EXDRESS: BODY, TRAUMA, EXCLUSION AND INCLUSION, Curated by: Sanija Kulenovic and Adi Liraz, May 2015 at the Meinblau Projektraum as part of the annually Month of Performance Art Berlin, the Anthology http://adi-liraz.squarespace.com/exdress-body-trauma-exclusion-inclusion

Boguslaw Borys, “Traumatic Situations and Their Influence on the Psychological Condtion of Human Being”, Department of psychiatry and clinical psychology department of the medical academy in Gdansk.

CentreScene. The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53RX2ESIqsM

Khazan, Olga. Mapping How Emotions Manifest in the Body. 2013, retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/12/mapping-how-emotions-manifest-in-the-body/282713/

Marchi, de, Cristiana. "Mindful Body. An Introduction to Body Art and Performance in the Gulf." 14 April 2016

Onderko, Karen. What is Trauma. Retrieved from

Schaub, Danielle. "Topography of Trauma: Fissures, Disruptions and Transfigurations". Brill/Rodopi, 2019

Sharon Sheppard. Trauma and the Body. Retrieved from

Uzma, Rivzi. "Decolonization as Care". n.d.

Withuis, Jolande. The Politics of War Trauma: the Aftermath of World War II in Eleven European Countries. Aksant, 2010.

Zoldbrod, Alina P. Sexual Issues in Treating Trauma Survivors. Curr Sex Health Rep, 2015.
